Monday, December 8, 2008

In the News: Poverty

The blame does not go on just one party becuase some don't want to get out of the situation they are in because they feel that they don't fit anywhere else. Yes some do have no choice in some cases where it is the country that they live in not just the close knit society around them, but in a country such as America there is no excuse why a person does not live well.

It is the governments fault in those other countries why the things that go on like poverty, crime, and other inhuman things happen to the people. Corrupted officials and lack of police security allows those types of situations to spread and become uncontrollable to the point where it becomes a national problem and is seen by the world. It is never a persons fault in situations like the ones in some other countries where a person is forced to live that life because it has been that way for many many years and is apart of their history.

It is never too late to fight because a person who has been lost to that life cannot be saved, but a child or a person willing and ready for a change should always be given a chance. It is up to us to provied that opportunity so that this plague can be erraticated.

I would definitely help with all my power if i had the means or try to convince those who do to do so. A person can make it on their own, but with a little bit of help the sky is the limit.

The only other more important thing to spend on other than poverty is sickness which can come from poverty as well so anyway you look at it is still helping the problem.

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