Monday, December 8, 2008

In the News: Gas Prices

The gas prices will eventually go back up dramtically because we are so dependent on them. We use them for everything and most importantly to get around so them being down is just a little break that we are getting , but it will not last very long.

The gas prices were so high before because they were not being managed properly so that we would be prepared for the economic crisis that came and put the country and its leader in a serious bind and all that he could do was put a higher price on such a necessity because we were using it up. If more information had been shared to the public and th government would have put more effort for us to use and have alternative sources of fuel theywould not have gone so high.

I would first pull away from the dependency of having to use gas as our only source of fuel. Gas will run out one day and as president I would makesure that we have an alternate source will help us to keep up our normal lives or maybe inhance it. Most definitely I would keep the prices low and managable and not cause a state of panic by raising them to where it would go down into the history books. We need to try new things or the worst will come and I don't think we are ready to handle that.

In the News: Poverty

The blame does not go on just one party becuase some don't want to get out of the situation they are in because they feel that they don't fit anywhere else. Yes some do have no choice in some cases where it is the country that they live in not just the close knit society around them, but in a country such as America there is no excuse why a person does not live well.

It is the governments fault in those other countries why the things that go on like poverty, crime, and other inhuman things happen to the people. Corrupted officials and lack of police security allows those types of situations to spread and become uncontrollable to the point where it becomes a national problem and is seen by the world. It is never a persons fault in situations like the ones in some other countries where a person is forced to live that life because it has been that way for many many years and is apart of their history.

It is never too late to fight because a person who has been lost to that life cannot be saved, but a child or a person willing and ready for a change should always be given a chance. It is up to us to provied that opportunity so that this plague can be erraticated.

I would definitely help with all my power if i had the means or try to convince those who do to do so. A person can make it on their own, but with a little bit of help the sky is the limit.

The only other more important thing to spend on other than poverty is sickness which can come from poverty as well so anyway you look at it is still helping the problem.

In the News: GM and Other Bailouts

Yes I do think that they should save GM, but only if GM wants to cooperate and get other help in trying to help them manage the money so that this wont happen again if a crisis happens. If the goverment elects to give GM the help then another team of financial experts should team up with theirs to help them attain a better plan to have when an economic crisis like this ever comes about again.

No they should not just focus on all the other companies becuase they are all important one is not more important than the other whether or not it is a smaller or larger company. Only if it was a last resort and it would completely save our economy should the government ever just completely give up on such a major industry and is this case it is not because it can still be preserved and it should be.

No all the other industries will not fail, but it will make very dramatic changes to each of them with it being such a large entity. If GM were to fail maybe one or two of the smaller comapnies may not survive without, but no all will fail completely because they don't rely soley on their sales, but it would be a maor blow.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the news-Jose Canseco

I dont believe that Jose was in the right of giving the names of his fellow players. He should've just dealt with this own his own. I think the only positive thing of performace enhancing drugs is that it will enhance youre performance but the negative is it can affect your body by making you sick or even the possibliy of a person finding out. I think that a lot of people try to use steriods but dont really get to far because they do drug testing now. Back then they did alot thats why now you see athletes such as Marion Jones getting caught.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

in the news

I do think that the new elected president can bring change although it will take awhile it can and will be done. Us as a country have to help with that, this man can not do it on his own.

in the news

I think Obama won this election because he had a lot of help from different people and most of all the lord. Obama talked a about change and that it is possible with being in the condition that we are in. Many people wanted that for so long and we finally got it.


There are numerous things that can be done to save jobs. The president helping with the economic activity. Just really get the levels of credit and evrything else back to where it used to be.