Wednesday, October 22, 2008


1. Fast food can kill you

2. none

3. Fast food can kill you because of so much fat in the food and not enough excercise
to work it off.
1. A guy's 18th birthday is really not free to drink but free to go to war.
2. A guy at age 18 can't drink because according to the America it is bad and dangerous but it's okay to get drafted where it's not dnagerous.
3. In America's eyes it is bad for an 18 year old guy to drink but ok for him to get drafted.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In the news #7

i think that it does make sense for children to have a mock election because they will have the chance to see what a real election could possibly be like. 8 thru 11 might be getting the information from their parents but i think that a 13 yr old has a pretty good idea whats going on by their themselves even though parents do have some what of an inlfluence. no i don't think it's accurate because that's just like us saying we can pick the right candidate no one really knows until that days comes.

Monday, October 13, 2008


These days life leads you to believe that if you are rich and famous then you won’t have any problems and your life is set. If you have loads and loads of cash, a big house and fancy cars then you have no issues and nothing to worry about. Also if your wealthy that everybody will be your friend and that you will get that special someone with no problem. That belief of being rich will cure all your problems and bring you everything you need is totally wrong in a lot of ways. Being rich is great, but its not the answer to all of your problems because money is just an object and material items can’t bring a person happiness. A persons personality is what counts not what there bank account balance is. Someone could have all of the money in the world, but if they have a bad attitude and is a rude person it doesn’t matter they won’t be liked or loved genuinely. Having money will only bring a false sense of security making a person think they will have everything they will ever need but money can’t buy happiness. Love and true friendship can only come from people liking you for who you are not for what you have. Values and beliefs should only be about being a better person through self realization and self worth not material worth because materials items can be taken away, but true love for self is something that will always be with you and is what people really see.In conclusion being defined by your personality and not what you can buy will always out weigh living for money, fame and fortune. Someone once said “what is it for a man to gain the whole world but loose his soul.” Love yourself and people will love you for being you not for what you have.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In The News 7

I do think the trooper did this intentionally because he made that statement he couldn't give a real reason as to why he said what he said. There are plenty of caucasian troopers who do wrong things to African Americans it's sad but racism is still out there. Some people do feel that the law can't go wrong so if one chooses to bring up a lawsuit against higher authority the chances are you wouldnt get to far. The punishment is reasonable but if the man died he shouldnt be able to work for the police anymore.

In The News 6!!!

Animals do have a sense of feeling and do when pain is taking place. In my pshycology class the same question came up. How could one say that animals dont have feelings and dont know whats happening to them? If a dog gets beat they can feel that and know whats going on to them. We should treat animals as a human beings. I do feel that it would make people in general a better person. The abuse against animals is obsurd and shouldn't be done.